22 May 2017 4 hours

Slurry of epoxy and micro-balloons mixed together with black dye to create a "void filler" between the canopy and the canopy frame skin
21 May 2017 8.5 hours

Countersunk holes in the plexiglass Vinyl wrapped the glareshield with flat black. Wendy is applying knifless cutting tape Apply the vinyl to the glareshield After pulling the knifeless tape After cutting out the holes in the vinyl for the defrost fans Notched holes in the aft canopy seal Canopy side skins riveted on Fabricated and riveted on canopy wear strips Riveted handles onto canopy Looking good!
20 May 2017 5 hours

Canopy frame mounted on the fuselage Template taped in place to help with positioning of the plexiglass Canopy in position Drilling the plexiglass to the frame plexiglass all drilled to the frame Time to take the assembly off the fuselage and work on it on the workbench Wendy being goofy!
18 May 2017 2 hours

Labeled the center instrument panel. The Cricut machine has worked out excellent Installed center panel, TOGA button, Panel Lighting potentiometer and the canopy jettison handle
17 May 2017 4 hours

Masked of the top skin of the canopy prior to painting All setup outside to paint After painting was complete I installed the canopy pin blocks. Canopy painted with pin blocks installed Fabricated the canopy spacer blocks that will be used during installation of the canopy on the fuselage The center instrument panel needs to be installed, prior to installing the canopy jettison handle for the next step.
16 May 2017 3 hours

After a week vacation away from the plane while family was in town for Zak and Lindsey’s wedding, i’m back in the shop! Side rails clecoed to the forward canopy frame assembly Side rails riveted Aft canopy frame riveted on
7 May 2017 5.5 hours

Forward canopy frame clecoed together ready for riveting Forward canopy frame riveted together
6 May 2017 2.5 hours

Drilling the handle onto the aft canopy frame Riveted the handle to the aft canopy frame Countersunk the holes in the canopy rail assembly Countersunk the holes in the canopy handles Dimpled the holes in the canopy side skin Countersunk the holes in the canopy rails
5 May 2017 5 hours

Fluted the canopy rail angles Countersunk the holes in the canopy rail flange Countersunk holes in the canopy rail angles Riveted the canopy rail angles to the canopy rail flanges Fabricated the exterior handles for the canopy Clecoed together the forward canopy assembly and match drilled holes Deburred and primed the canopy interior handle.
4 May 2017 4 hours

Dimpled canopy skin Canopy sub-frame riveting Drilled out the holes in the canopy sub-frame closeout skin
Design pdevty