Began work on Vertical Stabilizer

I jumped right in this morning and started on the Vertical Stabilizer. Each task today took me a few minutes to knock the rust off, and then it was like old times. Todays tasks were:

  • Match drill, debur, dimple and prime the lower rear spar doubler
  • Rivet on the lower rear spar doubler
  • Cleco together and match drill VS ribs and spars
  • Cleco the skin to the ribs and spars, then match drill all the holes.
  • Disassemble everything and then debur, dimple and prime all the parts

I got a lot done and with another hour of work I should be ready to rivet the Vertical Stabalizer together.

Double plate riveted on. I brushed the primer on, so it looks pretty ugly.

Drilling the hinge bracket holes to full size

The rear spar all clecoed together for match drilling

The ribs and spars clecoed together for final drilling

The skin clecoed on for final drilling

The skin after it's been deburred, dimpled and primed

The ribs and spars after being deburred, dimpled and primed

Design pdevty