Work continues on the elevators. Trim tab complete
Today I spent the entire day in the shop trying to make up for all the time I’ve been spending on Wendy’s barn, 10 hours today. Below is a list of stuff I got done:
- Dimpled Elevator skins
- Dimpled, Primed and Did some riveting on the trim servo reinforcement plate
- Countersunk/Dimpled the elevator spars
- Dimpled the elevator ribs
- Primed and Riveted the Elevator Trim Pushrod
- Dimpled, Countersunk and Primed the trim tab spar
- Dimpled and Primed the trim tab skins
- Bonded the trim tab foam ribs with Fuselage Sealant
- Riveted the trim tab together
I got so busy I forgot to take pictures till the end when I was riveting the trim tab together
The foam ribs get bonded in with tank/fuselage sealant
The smell of this stuff reminds of building the fuel tanks on my first plan...good times!
The trim tab all riveted together!