Finished mounting forward baffles
17 Aug 2017 2 hours

Right baffle ready to mount

Right baffle mounted

Secured the lower baffles together using 0.041" safety wire. This is how the plans in the RV-7A I build had you to it. Van's has you take a different approach using stainless steel rods that you cut threads on to join the baffles together. Checking my inventory sheet I never received the stainless steel rods when the kit arrived, and I failed to note it back when I received the kit. Turns out it was a happy mistake. A bunch of people on the forums have been complaining that this new approach with the thread rods has caused them trouble and have reverted back to the classic way with safety wire. It worked fine for me on my RV-7A so I'm not going to sweat it. Gonna use safety wire and move on

Design pdevty