The aft tailcone clecoed to the mid/fwd fuselage. Exciting! Riveted nutplates to the baggage bulkheads Dimpled flanges in the baggage bulkheads Began riveting the baggage bulkhead into the airframe

Began riveting the top skins onto the aft fuselage, in preparation for joining the two halves. I had delayed this step several months ago so the that the aft fuselage could be stored in the basement. It wouldn't fit through the basement doorway with the top skins on. Riveted the intercostals into position Mounted the rollbar bases Trimmed the vents to size.

Short night tonight.

Wing root fairing angles riveted on Reinstalled bulkhead bar assembly Worked on seat back assembly

Riveted rollbar angle onto bulkhead Riveted flap reinforcement braces to side skins Dimpled, deburred and trimmed the wing root fairing angles Riveted spar web stiffeners onto spar webs Riveted nutplates onto bottom skins Riveted nutplates onto wing root fairing angles

Wendy shooting rivets from the floor while I stand over her and buck them. What a wife! Various cabin structures riveted in place Arm rests riveted to the side skin

Riveted a variety of parts to the side skins today, including the firewall, longerons and side plates. Still have a bit more to go

Started the day off priming the bunch of parts i'm going to need for riveting Riveted the rollbar angles to the intercostals (strange name for a part) Riveted the side plate, upper drag fairing and various stiffeners to the side skins After putting the side skins onto the fuselage I notice that I had riveted the outboard baggage ribs with the flange outboard of the bulkheads.

Deburred then dimpled the side skins Separated, deburred and dimpled various mid-fuselage parts. The fwd side skin stiffeners are show here Modified the arm rests per the plans. This is probably so that you can get access to one of the rivet holes. All the various parts from today that were sperated, deburred and dimpled.

Trimmed the longerons according to the plans Primed side skins and longerons Riveted engine brackets to longerons Fabricated hinges to mount to firewall for engine cowl attachment Attached side skins and match drilled hinges to the firewall flanges Countersunk fuselage side plates Countersunk holes in lower longerons Countersunk holes in upper longerons
Design pdevty