Tonight I worked on the longerons. They had to have their holes final drilled to size. Then I had to make wood blocks cut to specific dimensions so I could bend a 10 degree twist into each longeron Wood block so I could chuck the longerons in the vice and twist them Before I bent them a notch had to be cut out in each one Time to twist them.

Tonight Wendy helped me rivet the forward and middle fuselage structures together. Had to machine a custom bucking bar to reach the rivets in between the two center bulkheads Landing gear braces installed and bolts torque. They we temporarily installed previously. They had to removed during the riveting process

Primed the parts that need to be riveted while joining the Fwd and Mid Fuse structures Clecoed the fwd and mid fuselage structures together Installed the brass elbows with into the gear braces Upper and loer drag fittings installed Match drilled the holes from the center section plate into the upper drag fitting Temporarily bolted the gear braces into the fuselage structure.

Wendy helping me rivet the forward center section and cover ribs to the bottom skins Installed the firewall passthroughs, sealed with high-temp RTV Fabricated stainless steel hinges for the cabin heat doors Installed cabin heat inlets and trap doors Riveted the battery box to the firewall Riveted the cover panels and nutplates to the the cover ribs

Dimpled the fwd bottom skins Rived the antenna doublers and skin stiffeners Riveted the muffler hangar doubler to the muffler tunnel side walls Riveted the muffler hangars to the side wall tunnels Riveted the muffler tunnel to the left and right bottom skins Riveted the firewall assembly to the the left and right bottom skins Riveted the side tunnels and the cover base to the to each other and to the bottom skins All the joints at the firewall are assembled with tank sealant to prevent oil and engine compartment 'sludge' from making it way into the cabin

Tonight after I finished riveting the firewall I deburred and primed all the parts for the forward lower structure.
17 Feb 2017 1.5 hours

Tonight I finished riveting the nutplates to the firewall. Relay doubler plates and nutplates riveted to firewall Finished riveting nutplates to the the firewall
16 Feb 2017 4 hours

Tonight I almost completed the riveting of the firewall. I still have to rivet on a few more nutplates. It got to late and we ran out of steam. Will knock out the rest tomorrow. Applied tank sealant to the center section of the firewall Firewall angles riveted on This doubler plate, along with some nutplates still need to be riveted on
15 Feb 2017 3 hours

Riveted angles to the right firewall panel Countersunk holes in the top firewall angle Dimpled holes in top firewall panel Applied tanke sealant to the bottom edge of the top firewall panel, before riveting Clecoed the top firewall panel to the left and right firewall panel. Riveted several of the outboard rivets per the plans Dimpled the holes in the center firewall panel Clecoed the tunnel panels / center firewall angles to the firewall
14 Feb 2017 4.5 hours

Dimpled holes in tunnel panels. Then riveted nutplates on Countersunk the firewall angles Riveted firewall angles to the tunnel panels Dimpled holes in the left and right lower firewall panels Riveted angles to the left firewall panel. Ran out of time for the night. Tomorrow I'll rivet the right side
Design pdevty