12 Nov 2016 5.5 hours

Tonight I continued work on the wing ribs. I started with cleaning up and deburring the torque tub assembly parts. Then I drill the appropriate holes to final size. Next I spent some time getting the flap hinge bracket plates mostly straight. They arrive a bit bowed and you have to put them in a vice and show them a little love with a hammer before they can be used. Next I back-drilled the flap hinge bracket assembly to the ribs for both the left and right wings.
11 Nov 2016 4.5 hours

Tonight Wendy came down to the shop and helped me drill, debur and dimple all of the wing ribs. It was a monotonous job, but it had to get done. Big thanks to Wendy! Wendy and I drilling out the holes in the wing ribs Wendy dimpling the holes on the wing ribs Wendy's peeling the plastics off the ribs while I deburred them with the die grinder All the ribs deburred, drilled and dimpled.
5 Nov 2016 1 hours

Today was a short day, then it was of to the Acworth Beer Festival =) I did manage to debur, prime and attach the aileron bellcrank brackets to the spars. The right aileron bellcrank bracket, which includes provisions for the autopilot servo Left aileron bellcrank bracket
3 Nov 2016 4 hours

Tonight I finished riveting the nutplates onto the spar. Then it was time to countersink all of the holes in the spar flanges. After that I primed the spar flanges since the countersinking removes the anodized coating. Tank attach nutplates in the spar web The access plate nutplates riveted in More nutplates All the bazillion holes in the spar flanges countersunk The spar flanges and tiedowns primed
2 Nov 2016 4.5 hours

Tonight was a lot of drlling and countersinking. I drilled out the remaining holes in the spar flanges and then counterunk the holes for the fuel tank and access plate nutplates. After installing the nutplates for the tank attach screws I countersunk the holes. Tomorrow I’ll finishing install the nutplates for the wing access convers. Counterinking the rivet holes for the nutplates Nutplate holes countersunk The tank attach nutplates installed and the screw holes countersunk Nutplates riveted on
1 Nov 2016 4.5 hours

Yesterday the wing crates were delivered. Zak came over and helped me unpack and inventory everything. A couple of parts were missing and one item was back-ordered. I contacted Van’s today and there going to get the missing parts sent out to me. Tonight I got start on the main wing spar section. I fabricated and drilled out the Wing Box J-Channels for both wings Picture of the left wing spar The J-Channels clamped in place for drilling The J-Channels drilled and put away
31 Oct 2016 4 hours

The wing crates were delivered today. Zak came over and helped me unpack and inventory everything. Big thanks Zak! A couple of parts were missing and one item was back-ordered. I’ll contact Van’s tomorrow and have them send out the missing parts and get an ETA on the back-ordered item. Wing crate # 1 Wing crate # 2

Today I finished the contour standing and filler for the horizontal tip fairings The fairings after some sanding and body filler

Today I started glassing in the horizontal stabilizer tip fairings. I started by cutting foam to match the shape of the fairings. Then I glassed them in using a couple of layers of glass cloth. Once that cured, I applied a thick coating of epoxy/micro-balloons that I could sand and shape into the final contour. Tomorrow I’ll do the final contour sanding and use a little bit of bondo/body filler to for the finishing touches.

Today I was able to get both of the elevator tip fairings installed. Then I temporarily mounted the elevators onto the horizontal stabilizer so I could trim and fit the horizontal stabilizer tip fairings. Tomorrow I’m going to do some glass work and glass the ends in for a nice finish. Right elevator fairing riveted on Left elevator fairing taped in position for drilling Holes drilled in the left elevator fairing Left elevator fairing riveted on Fitting and drilling the horizontal stabilizer top fairings
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