More elevator riveting
Today I got more elevator riveting done. I think it should take one more session.
Started with back-riveting the remaining elevator ribs
Then I riveted the rear spar of both elevators using this 'special' bucking bar that I bought from Cleveland Tools. It's specifically design for this step in the RV-14. It made bucking the rivets in this location possible. Without it it would have been a tough day.
Another shot of the bucking bar. It was used to rivet the horizontal line of rivets
Next I riveted the rib halves together. This is one of the rare places that blind "pop" rivets are used. It was to tight to use my pneumatic rivet puller, so I had to do it the old fashion way...not fun.
After the ribs were riveted together in both elevators I clecoed in the forward spars and end ribs in both elevators. There now all set to finish riveting tomorrow.