Finished install aileron/elevator systems. Bonded the airvents to the fuselage

I decided to splurge and buy these pre-wired tongsten stick grips. Much nicer then what i've had in my previous planes.

They come pre-labeled. Very nice!

After I finished installing the control column and stick bases, I made sure I have enough travel, per spec. The plans call for filing the control stops if you don't have enough. I had to do a tiny bit of filing. Show here is the max aft travel.

Forward travel

I installed the control stick. I wrapped them in foam to make sure they don't get damaged as construction continues

Install the rear push/pull tube, from the bellcrank back to the aft part of the tailcode. This push/pull tube will connect to the elevators when there mounted

Fabricated and installed air vents. I used tank sealant to bond them. Van's calls for using silicone, but most in the builder community opt for tanks sealant instead, with good result.

There taped in place while the sealant cures

Design pdevty