1 Apr 2017 3.5 hours

31 Mar 2017 11.5 hours

Radio, GPS and transponder (installed behind the bottom of the radio stack) temporarily installed. I used templates i designed in CAD to cut the holes Passenger panel cut-out
30 Mar 2017 5 hours

Drilled the holes in the radio stack to mount the trays for the GTN-625 (IFR GPS) and the GTR-200 (COM Radio) Machined stand-offs and adapter plate so I could mount the ARINC and Engine Management LRUs in the same spot on the subpanel, stacked Mounted the GAD-29 LRU (Flap Controller, trim controller, etc..) Installed the auxiliary power socket
29 Mar 2017 15 hours

For the last few days I’ve been working on various wiring tasks. I also started to install the avionics. After design what I wanted the panel to look like, I test cut it using acrylic plastic. This was a great way to feel out switch placement and clearances. Wire runs wired up the control sticks test cut the panel using acrylic test fit some of the avionics to verify clearances and positioning wired up the flap motor wire runs from the aft fuselage wires crossing the wing bulkhead Engineered a solution to mounting the remote transponder
25 Mar 2017 6.5 hours

Today I started to install the fuselage wiring harness. It was a bit of a frustrating process. The install would have been much easier has this been done earlier. In all the other kits the wiring harness comes with the kit, and your told the optimal time to install it. In the fuselage kit, the wiring harness is optional (extra $1500). There is no guidance as to when the appropriate time is.
24 Mar 2017 4.5 hours

Today I painted the rollbar with the same urethane that I used for the rest of the interior. Then I finished the remaining drilling operations and riveted the rollbar and rollbar brace into the fuselage. I also riveted on the baggage window skin stiffeners. This concludes the fuselage kit. I think I’m going to start wiring and beginning avionics installation while I wait for the finish kit The rollbar and rollbar brace ready to be painted I stuffed an ear plug into the bronze bushing to make sure no paint got in there Painting complete Rollbar and rollbar brace riveted into the fuselage
23 Mar 2017 4 hours

Tonight I drilled, deburred, countersunk and riveted together the rollbar assembly. Tomorrow I will try to get it painted and riveted into the fuselage. Wendy came down tonight and helped with some of the deburring, she was a big help. Forward rollbar half riveted together Match drilling the rollbar halves to the rollbar straps Rollbar riveted together and ready for paint Riveted brackets onto the rollbar brace
22 Mar 2017 2.5 hours

Short night tonight. I decided to use a grey epoxy primer that I bought recently instead of the green P60G2 I normally use. I figured when I shot the parts later with the gray urethane I’ve been using for the interior any spots I might mist would be less noticeable. Unfortunately this epoxy primer dries slooooow. So i’m gonna have to let it dry overnight before I continue working.

I decided to splurge and buy these pre-wired tongsten stick grips. Much nicer then what i've had in my previous planes. They come pre-labeled. Very nice! After I finished installing the control column and stick bases, I made sure I have enough travel, per spec. The plans call for filing the control stops if you don't have enough. I had to do a tiny bit of filing.

I started the afternoon assembling the rod-end bearings onto the push/pull tubes. The rod-end bearings were adjusted to a preset length according to the plans Pushrod installed on the control column Riveted nutplates to the bellcrank mount Mounted the elevator bellcrank to the bellcrank angles Bolted the bellcrank assembly to the bellcrank mount Installed the middle push rod, bellcrank mount and pitch autopilot servo into the aft fuselage
Design pdevty