Today Wendy and I continued riveting the fuel tanks. We were able to rivet all the stiffeners, the fuel cap flange and the drain flange on both tanks. We also got started riveting the ribs into the left tank, but we ran out of steam for the day. We’ll continue riveting them in tomorrow.
Wendy standing proud next to the tank skin with the stiffeners, and flanges riveted in Left tank with some of the ribs riveted in
Today Wendy worked with me in the shop. First we dimpled both of the tank skins. Then we began the tank riveting process by riveting the parts onto the inboard tank ribs
Wendy applying tank sealant to the mating surfaces we're about to rivet together Fuel tank skins dimpled
Today was a real short session. I primed and riveted the tank attach parts.
Tonight I continued work on the fuel tanks. A lot of drilling, deburring, dimpling and countersinking. I still have the tank skins to dimple and then the riveting will begin.
Dimpled the tank stiffeners Separated and deburred the tank attach Zs Tank attach Zs deburred, countersunk and nutplates installed Countersunk fuel cap flange Deburred, drilled and countersunk the tank attach brackets and shims
Today Wendy came down to the shop to help with another riveting session. We got the leading edge of the right wing riveted on. Time to start on the fuel tanks =)
Both wings, with there outboard leading edges riveted on
Tonight I started working on the fuel tanks. I got all the ribs drilled, deburred and dimpled. Then I fabricated the tank stiffeners and vent line retainer clips. I also drilled the holes for the finger strainer flange in the inboard tank rib.
Tanks stiffeners all cut to shape and deburred Tank ribs drilled, deburred and dimpled Tanks stiffenrs and vent line clips
Wing cradle Wendy helping me rivet the left leading edge to the wing assembly Leading edge riveted on You cant see it in this picture but the lens is cracked near one of the holes. I'll have to order a new one and remake it :(
Today Wendy came down to the shop to help me rivet the right leading edge together. She really is my “Rosie the Riveter”!
Wendy bucking the rivets
Today I riveted the left leading edge parts. It started with a lot of nut plate riveting. Then I had to get the assembly clecoed together, which is a project in and of itself. Afterwards Zak came over and helped me rivet the skins to the ribs. Big thanks Zak!
Riveted the nutplates to the landing light backing plates Riveted the nutplates to the landing light mount bracket Nutplates riveted to the access plate doubler Nutplates riveted to the splice strips Put flush rivets in the holes that come pilot drilled for the stall warner.
Today was a short day, being Thanksgiving. I did manage to get all the parts for the leading edges primed. Next up is riveting