23 Nov 2016 6 hours

The leading edge in the cradle. I had to install all the ribs so that I could drill out the top hole of each rib and drill out the j-stiffeners Wendy came down and helped me dimple the leading edge skins. I all finished deburring and dimpling the other small items The cutouts for the landing lights come pre-cut into the leading edge in the RV-14, but the edges are jagged from the CNC cutter.
22 Nov 2016 6 hours

Today I started the day off building cradles to hold the leading edge assemblies while building them. Then I started preparing the ribs. The usual edge deburing and fluting followed by drilling out all of the holes to full size and them dimpling then. I also had to modify a few of the ribs per the plans. I finished the day off by cutting the splice strip off off the fuel tank skins and deburring/dimpling it.
21 Nov 2016 4 hours

Today Wendy helped me for round 3 of the riveting of the top wing skins. We managed to get all the rivets in the top right skins driven. Now it’s on to the leading edges! We were having fun! Wendy doing her Rosie the Riveter pose!
20 Nov 2016 3.5 hours

Today Wendy helped me for round 2 of the riveting of the top wing skins. We managed to get all the rivets driven. Tomorrow we’re going to try and knock out the right wing. I've got the best wife!
19 Nov 2016 6.5 hours

Today I finished deburring the top skins of the wings. Then Wendy came down to the shop and helped me dimpled all of the skins. Later on Zak came over and helped me prime the skins. In the evening Wendy put on her “Rosie the Riveter” hat on and helped me start riveting the top skins. We go about a 3rd of the way done with the left wing before we decided to call it a night.

Today I finished riveting the rear wing spars. Then I began working on the top skins. I got the inboard top skin drilled and countersunk for both wings. Tomorrow I’ll get start on getting the skins dimpled and primed. The left wing box after riveting on the rear spar Inboard skin clecoed on for drilling and countersinking
16 Nov 2016 7.5 hours

Today I finished drilling the left rear spar. Then I countersunk/dimpled the holes in the spar flanges. Afterwards I primed all the rear spar pieces. Once the primer dried I started riveting on the rear spars. I was able to get the left one complete. Tomorrow I should be able to wrap up the right one. The rear spars and their pieces all primed Aileron hinge brackets riveted together Left rear spar riveted on Another shot of the left rear spar riveted on Left spar all done.
15 Nov 2016 6 hours

Tonight I worked on the rear spars. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures. I did get a lot of work done though. Assembled the aileron brackets (use parts from the vans service bulletin) Back drilled the rear spar doubler plates Cut out the hole in the rear spar doubler plates for the aileron push/pull rod Match drilled the inboard doubler, ribs and reinforcement plates for the right wing. Should be able to wrap up the left wing tomorrow and get everything primed.
14 Nov 2016 5 hours

Tonight I riveted the ribs to the main spar. Then I torqued down the bolts for for the ribs. Finally I installed the snap bushings into the ribs.
13 Nov 2016 7 hours

I started the day out with drilling the systems holes in the wing ribs. There were a lot of holes to drill, so I set up a couple of work stops on the mill and was able to knock out drilling the holes pretty quick. Then the holes need to be deburred. In the afternoon Wendy joined in and helped me get the hole deburring finished. Then we scuffed/cleaned the ribs and brackets parts and in preperation for priming.
Design pdevty